Commercial Law

John Trone

For sale by Carmen for $30

Commercial Law (ACU)

Tony Ciro

For sale by Tamara for $50

Commercial Law

John Trone

For sale by Georgia for $75

*Distinction* Commercial Law Notes! — EXTREMELY COMPREHENSIVE!

*Distinction* Commercial Law Notes! — EXTREMELY COMPREHENSIVE!

135 pages, 47764 words

Commercial Law Notes

Commercial Law Weeks 1-12 Topics covered are: -Agency -Property -Sale of Goods -Consumer L...

89 pages, 28276 words

Commercial Law

This is a comprehensive set of notes covering all content from week 1 through to week 12. There are...

96 pages, 48279 words

ACU - LAWS108 - Commercial Law

Got HD in this subject with these notes. Comprehensive with all the relevant case notes. Helpful in...

56 pages, 26000 words

Commercial Law Exam Notes.

A detailed, comprehensive commercial law exam with full case briefs and notes from the lectures prov...

91 pages, 43237 words


$50 per hour

Hi! My name is Gabi and I am a third year Bachelor of Laws student at ACU. My current GPA is 6.64...


$65 per hour

Hi there! My name is Lara and I am a Law alumni from ACU. I completed my degree with a GPA of...


There is sooo much content for 1 semester of a unit, however if you find the right area, could interest you very much.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Use mind maps for complicated concepts.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

An slog to get through, so much content, if you fall behind that's it for you

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Don't enjoy this class, lectures are NEVER finished

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Most areas of this unit is based on Statute and Case Law whilst others only concerned with Case Law. The key here is understanding specific cases in specific area areas. Especially in Agency, Bailment, Insurance, Guarantees and Sale of Goods.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

It was okay but so much crammed into one subject it made it very difficult! For example, there was one week on insurance which could be a whole subject in itself.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014