For sale by Katelyn for $40

The Concept of Law

HLA Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart

For sale by Emily for $20


Professor Brian Bix

For sale by Christine for $40

Legal Theory Exam Summary

Outlines key topics including: - Law, power obligation (positivism, Austin, Bentham) - Adjudicati...

15 pages, 2000 words

LAWS2249 Legal Theory Study Notes

All lecture notes and reading notes weeks 1-12. TOPIC LIST Introduction to Legal Theory Law and...

15 pages, 9019 words

Legal Theory Course Summary

Legal theory is principally about knowing a topic well and being able to critically compare theorist...

41 pages, 12116 words

Legal Theory Notes

Covers legal theories in the readings and the lectures from week 1 to week 12 Contains power and la...

20 pages, 8608 words


$50 per hour

I graduated from the ANU College of Law in 2016 with first class honours. When I was a law student,...


$25 per hour

I am an experienced tutor specialising in exam preparation, online assessments, and I'm also a writi...


$80 per hour

I am an experienced tutor who has previously worked as a course tutor in Legal Theory. I have worked...


$25 per hour

PhD Scholarship Holder || Award Winning Teacher || Results GUARANTEED! Hello everyone! As a PhD...


$50 per hour

I have made it to the other side and you can too! I can assist you in revising material, plannin...


$75 per hour

I am a Law and Mathematics graduate from ANU. I also did an honours year for both of my degrees, gra...


This is a an amazing course. There is such a diverse range of lecturers (Desmond Manderson is incredible) and relevant readings from issues on human rights, refugees, the rule of law and legal history. Tutorials are great fun with the object being to voice your opinion using legal theorists as authority. So long as you attend tutorials and pick a few main readings to specialise in, you'll do well!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016