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CHM104- Chemistry 1A (DI)

These are my notes from Chemistry 1A. They cover all lectures and topics, and were developed from th...

48 pages, 13597 words


$80 per hour

Hey! I am a Ph.D researcher in chemistry, and I'm capable of providing comprehensive instruction on...


A very full on subject, what ever level of effort you put in is what you will get back out. Stay on top of weekly reading tasks, make sure you use the OWL resource to test your knowledge and you will do fine. If you struggle early, talk to the lecturers who will help with understanding. Res School felt a bit rushed and was easy to get lost in the crowd.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

This subject has a lot of complex information, however it is very engaging.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Yep I was one of the 50% that failed this first time round. Thankfully though CSU made some massive changes to this subject the following year including the lecturer. Danny Bedgood is much better suited & communicates well with the students explaining difficult concepts in a way we understand - don't forget this is still a 1st year 1st semester subject so for those like me without lab experience it's quite daunting. I highly recommend doing any science or maths intro subjects the semester before you start at uni! A lot of work to cover & be prepared to spend a bit of time practicing the maths parts of it all. PS Stick a copy of the periodic table on the fridge or the toilet door or in your study for reference!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2011

The best lecturer in the world. Prof. Novak. I struggled in the beginning but got better after a while. Read the lecture notes and try to understand not memorise

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2012

very good subject, although was quite challenging for me as i hadn't done chemistry in high school. dan and zander are brilliant lecturers. Juliet was a bit harder to understand. don't just rely on lecture slides ,work though each chapter in TEXTBOOK as you go. do practice questions after each chapter. try go through and understand concepts before the class so that you get the most from the lecture and you get all your clicker Q's right :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Fairly complicated and in depth, but well taught, and attempts are made at making it as easy as possible for students to learn.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014