Derek Dalton

For sale by Josh for $70


Derek Dalton

For sale by Ashleigh for $60

Crime and Justice

Marinella Marmo, Willem De Lint, Darren Palmer

For sale by Phyllida for $40

ACR101 HD Summary Notes

Notes cover: - What is Crime & Who is the Criminal? - Measures of Crime - Explanations of Crime...

59 pages, 26442 words


A combination of lecture notes, study guide, and the textbook.

30 pages, 13648 words

Intro to Crim Definitions & Practice Exam

Pre-filled definitions and blank practice exam compiled from: - Textbook - Lecture Notes - Semi...

12 pages, 2461 words

ACR101 Complete Exam Notes

Covers the following topics raised in the lectures: - What is Crime & Who is the Criminal? - Measu...

20 pages, 7835 words


The following are template answers that I created in response to an exam briefing paper providing by...

10 pages, 2936 words

ACR101 Summary Notes

Notes were created utilising both textbook and lecture slides/notes. Topics include: - What is C...

55 pages, 17508 words


$25 per hour

** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...


$20 per hour

** Study SMART, not hard! ** Come learn the tricks I used in my undergrad studies to attain a WAM of...


Chris Linke was a great lecturer, assignments were straightforward and overall was a good intro to criminology

Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2023

Unit chair and other unit staff were amazing. Were able to adapt well to the COVID restrictions being thrown in after week 1, and transitioned well to online learning. Textbook was a vital piece of learning equipment, and the unit is based on the concepts discussed throughout the textbook.

Anonymous, Trimester 1, 2020

I actually did this subject in summer term. This is a wonderful elective subject, while the arts might not be my type of subject regarding exams and assessments, the coordinators and teachers were super passionate and you can tell. Engaging discussion and a lot of critical thinking involved. The hardest part is having to remember a bunch of complex technical terms when you know them as something else entirely. Real world examples, students from all walks of life are able to contribute to these discussions is what made it stand out to me. Because it was summer term the classes were small and yet I got much more enjoyment than I ever did in my STEMM subjects. If you are a STEM major and are looking for something new, please take ACR101!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Super easy, recommend buying the book

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016


Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Super easy content and work load, enjoyable assessments, engaging and enthusiastic lecturer and tutot

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

Very easy content, almost too easy! I loved the concepts covered and it is a great introductory unit.. It really provides insight to some stereotypes that may be exaggerated by the media!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015