- Deakin Uni.
- Subjects
- Science
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- 520 Deakin Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at Deakin Uni....
A broad range of useful techniques are covered and the pracs are interesting and fun. An easy class...
5 years ago
Interesting topic specially if you love the environment
5 years ago
Easy, fun and interesting
5 years ago
Great basics!
5 years ago
This subject is too easy.
5 years ago
Interesting lookout and scope on how statistics and scientific reports work. Downside is the layout...
5 years ago
A jump from sit199. But never the less pretty similar albeit challenging.
6 years ago
Yes it's a leap from high school chemistry but the first Prac and first few classes give you an idea...
6 years ago
Challenging subject. But got kinda wonky for the plant parts regarding practicals where the demonstr...
6 years ago
Manageable workload but the pracs can be a bit challenging most of the content is a revision of the...
6 years ago
A lot of content to remember but a very rewarding unit. Important to stay up to date and to put a lo...
6 years ago
Teachers are helpful and explains lecture content quite clearly and the pracs were relatively easy t...
6 years ago
It is an easy subject where you learn essential skills required for biomedical sciences area and inc...
6 years ago
Pretty much an intro subject. Pretty boring content imo but i guess its necessary and useful for fut...
6 years ago
Its quite some work and the content is kinda bland. However tim was an amazing lecturer and jessica...
6 years ago
David Tay is an extremely fun teacher, he explains everything very easily and concisely.
The assig...
6 years ago
This subject was interesting but also the most annoying one I've ever done in my whole biomed degree...
6 years ago
The best subject that explores all important molecular biology techniques that can really be used an...
6 years ago
The worst. No guidance, was online and overall just an annoying subject
6 years ago
The best subject I've ever done in my biomed degree
6 years ago
Great subject with interesting teaching method.
6 years ago
It’s got really interesting practicals and really amazing lectures to work with
6 years ago
Hated it. poorly set out and very rushed. seems like lectuerer doesnt care
6 years ago
Interesting content. Can be amazing or terrible depending on the lab teacher though.
7 years ago
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