Comprehensive Nursing Management and Interventions
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View all HNN325 notesHNN325 Care plans
Weekly care plans which include -Patient problem -Rationale links to the pathophysiology -Nursing...
34 pages, 6128 words
HNN325_Weekly Notes (1-6)_Learning Outcome, notes from prescribed texts
Notes for all weeks of the unit (weeks 1 -6), learning outcomes from clouddeakin/ unit guide, notes...
62 pages, 21152 words
HNN325 Intended Learning Outcomes
Comprehensive summaries of every Intended Learning Outcome (i.e examinable material). I received...
60 pages, 22948 words
HNN325-Comprehensive Nursing Practice Exam Notes
A compilation of notes taking during seminars, videos from the cloud and the textbook. These note...
33 pages, 8640 words
Skills Hurdle Notes
Basic theory, equipment needed and a step by step process of how to perform the following skills: 1...
11 pages, 4000 words
HNN325 Exam Revision
- Arterial blood gas levels including acidosis and alkalosis - Thoracic trauma (including haemotho...
21 pages, 5448 words
HNN325 Exam Notes
40 pages of notes; including all 6 weeks of content (week 7 is only revision). This includes my semi...
36 pages, 15966 words
HNN325 learning outcomes, weeks 1 - 6
Learning outcomes, weeks 1 - 6 WEEK 1: Care of the Patient with Respiratory Dysfunction and Thor...
34 pages, 10100 words
HNN325 hurdle notes (indication, risks, equipment, nursing Ax, documentation)
WEEKS 1 - 6 Skills: Peripheral Cannula Insertion CVC site dressing CVC Removal Tracheostomy...
10 pages, 1385 words
HNN325 Skills Hurdles Revision
HNN325 Skills Hurdles Revision Includes the indication, risks, nursing considerations, equipment, a...
7 pages, 1888 words
Become a tutor for HNN325Rachel
$25 per hour
** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...
$15 per hour
I am a tutor with a wide variety of experience, though I specialize in Business and Statistics. I ha...
$20 per hour
** Study SMART, not hard! ** Come learn the tricks I used in my undergrad studies to attain a WAM of...
Incredibly interesting unit. Ensure to keep up with weekly content so you don't feel overwhelmed.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Excellent content and teaching!!