Social Psychology

Graham Michael Vaughan, Michael A. Hogg

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HPS204 Exam Revision Notes

Comprehensive exam notes for HPS204 based off the learning objectives, the lecture and class notes,...

25 pages, 6882 words

HPS204 Exam Notes

Notes based off the weekly learning objectives. Information obtained from lectures and textbook. All...

22 pages, 10315 words

HPS204 Summary Notes

Notes were created utilising both textbook and lecture slides/notes. Topics include: - What is S...

55 pages, 16665 words

Comprehensive HPS204 Notes

Colour-coded, with visual, and custom examples to help in explaining each concept. Compiled from lec...

61 pages, 14262 words

HPS204 Book Notes

Taken from 'Human Social Behaviour HPS204/774 Custom Publication' by Vaughan & Hogg

28 pages, 7000 words

HPS204 Lecture and Seminar Notes

Taken throughout Trimester 1, 2017 at Deakin University (Burwood)

41 pages, 10000 words

HPS204 exam notes-subject score 90

All notes for learning objectives which are tested on exam.

48 pages, 20197 words


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great teachers and assignments aren't too difficult, interesting topics aswell

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

great unit, lots of info, but a fair amount of it was covered in HPS111 & 121, so it's largely expanding on previous information which is nice, we cover basically the entire textbook. the textbook is a bit dry sometimes, but its ok. assignments were fairly interesting and pretty straight forward, if you actually read the marking criteria you'll get great marks easy :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Interesting content, however the very unreadable textbook let it down. if you persevere and keep up with the chapter readings though you will do fine. The lab report assignment is straightforward and easy enough if you have had experience writing them

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

This unit can be quite dry in content. It is very theory-driven, with many theories that need remembering...rote learning is of an advantage here. In addition, the readings are long, dry, and boring, making reading for an hour and a half very challenging, unlike for another very interesting unit. Unfortunately, this is a core-unit. I would not recommend this unit for someone looking to take it as an elective. Plenty of other good units to choose from.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013