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HPS307 Exam Revision Notes

Comprehensive exam notes for HPS307 based off the learning objectives, the lecture and class notes,...

34 pages, 12103 words

HPS307 Exam Notes

Comprehensive notes of all topics based on the weekly learning objectives. Notes are taken from the...

18 pages, 7771 words

Personality study notes

In depth revision notes - all learning objectives Written in order Some visual aids Are very use...

42 pages, 14305 words

HPS307 Exam Notes

Comprehensive colour-coded HPS307 notes that cover all examinable aspects of the course. The note...

47 pages, 16292 words


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Fantastic intro to personality.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

This subject is hugely interesting and is a huge challenge. There is quite a lot of content to cover each week (basically a whole personality concept every week) so keeping up to date with the readings/lectures is very important. I liked that they gave options in terms of content delivery - you can either do the online lectures, or do the readings. The unit chair for my trimester (Mathew) was great and always responded to questions with great detail and insight. The assignment was a big challenge but is very important in developing your skills (especially if you're planning on further study).

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

The many theories of personality really added to my understanding of psychology as a whole. This subject will definitely add vital information that you can draw from in other subjects taken throughout your degree - highly recommend.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

The unit content was presented through online modules which were extremely creative and engaging. Tutorials were fast paced and by far the most interesting out of any unit I have studied. The only let down was the seminars, which were a bit repetitive at times.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

HPS307 was a pretty decent subject when looking at the weekly content. I had a really smart and engaging tutor that made us want to show up and participate in class, and the exam wasn't too bad either. The only bad thing I have to say about this subject is that the on campus seminars were very boring, which made a lot of us stop showing up to them. Although the online lectures were very good.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014