Commercial Law
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View all MLL215 notesCommercial Law - 2nd highest grade (HD) - thousands of hours will be saved.
Commercial law is an infamously dense and difficult unit, these notes are a top percentile summary o...
207 pages, 65831 words
MLL215: Commercial Law Notes. Won the top student in the cohort (96 HD) and scored 100% on the exam
Achieved 96 HD for the subject and 100% on the exam. Topics include the Law of Agency, Sale of Good...
78 pages, 35896 words
Commercial Law MLL215 HD Notes - complete notes and short notes
Two sets of notes - complete notes and shorter compact notes used for the exam. Note that smaller no...
247 pages, 81514 words
These are my detailed notes for MLL215. This is all I used for the exam. My mark was 97 HD for th...
165 pages, 33323 words
Distinction Commercial Law Notes - MLL215 Deakin University
Covers all topics: SALE OF GOODS - Goods Act - Transfer of property - Implied terms CONSUM...
49 pages, 21011 words
HD Deakin Commercial Law Notes
Covers: agency, sale of goods and the Goods Act, unconscionability under the ACL, unfair contract te...
59 pages, 25927 words
Commercial Law Exam Notes - received best mark in MLL215, 93% on exam
Notes for MLL215. 93% on the exam, and best student in the subject at Deakin. Covers the Law of Agen...
32 pages, 17848 words
MLL215 Commercial Law Notes - 93% on the exam and awarded highest mark at Deakin in this subject
Achieved 93% on the exam, and best student in the subject at Deakin. Covers the Law of Agency, Sale...
32 pages, 17848 words
Commercial Law HD Notes & Templates
Concise Commercial Law notes. Written mainly in template form, perfect for exams. Helped me achieve...
85 pages, 25699 words
DISTINCTION Commercial Law Exam Notes
These notes cover every topic covered and assessed throughout the entirety of the unit including: T...
128 pages, 51863 words
Become a tutor for MLL215Rachel
$25 per hour
** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...
$20 per hour
** Study SMART, not hard! ** Come learn the tricks I used in my undergrad studies to attain a WAM of...
I paired this unit with MLL217 and found the content overlap really helpful.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
I found the unit a bit boring, but well taught. The exam was really reasonable, and is fairly easy to do well in. A lot of content to get through but a pleasant enough subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
I found the content very interesting and all staff members did their utter best to be helpful. I found the workload to be slightly too high but overall it was a pleasant experience.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Thoroughly enjoyable subject. This was the first unit I studied online and although I was quite stressed, I found that the workload was manageable and the content was straight forward. If you put in the effort it is quite easy to get a great score for this subject.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Workload was quite high because the unit covered many topics. Very detailed, consisting of a number of laws and cases. Lecturer was fair and taught how to approach answering questions. Assignment was marked too harshly.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Enthusiastic and committed lecturer, reasonable workload and engaging material
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Material was a little dull but the workload was manageable.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
Interesting subject but workload was not manageable