Cognitive Psychology

Braisby, Nick

For sale by Evelyn for $50

PSY2231 Developmental Psychology Exam Notes

PSY2231 Developmental Psychology Exam/Lecture Notes Covers all materials of the unit from the begi...

66 pages, 18990 words

Developmental Psychology notes

Comprehensive notes from weeks 1-13, including details about the exam that lecturer has provided

49 pages, 9105 words


$45 per hour

I'm a Psychology, Criminology and Justice graduate currently studying Psychology Honours at Edith Co...


Despised this unit and the content. There are a range of lectures that come in each week and teach this unit and frankly you could do it from home. The content in class does not relate to the assignment, and the assignment doesn't relate to the exam. Nothing links up. Exam is 160 multiple choice questions from the entire book and there is no assistance given for exam prep or revision. Glad I don't have to do it again!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018