Introduction to Business Law
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View all 2105AFE notes2105AFE - Introduction to Business Law Final Exam Notes
Course notes for the Second Half of 2105AFE Introduction to Business Law and was used for the Final...
49 pages, 20279 words
2105AFE - Introduction to Business Law Course Notes for Mid Trimester Exam
Course notes for the first half of 2105AFE Introduction to Business Law and was used for the Mid Tri...
38 pages, 15780 words
Consumer Law
Module 3 set of templates, flow charts and summary of cases on Consumer Law
43 pages, 13716 words
Partnership Law Final Exam
Module 5 set of templates, flowcharts and summary of case law
47 pages, 7273 words
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Great subject, lots of content. I found not enough time to answer all questions in the final exam, very limited time, it was an open book online exam. My best advice for others who sit the online exam would be to have some templates for the conclusions to save time.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Very content heavy, but interesting course. Very practical knowledge for business owners and consumers.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
A lot of content. However the real world cases were very interesting.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Interesting information, fairly easy course if you do the outlined material.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2010
Loved this course! Very interesting content, particularly negligence. All assessment was fair and as described. I felt very well prepared by the teaching team. I felt that the two random hand ins were good because it motivated me to do my tutorial questions each week which left me feeling more confident come exam study time. If you are lucky enough to have Craig Cameron as lecturer and tutor then you will love this course!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013
Lectures are really good and the lecturers and tutors know way too much off the top of their heads. You can ask them anything about the subject in general and 90% of the time they'll instantly answer you on the spot. The tutes are good but the assesment is poor. The tutes have 2 random hand in of tute work worth 10% each. This is annoying as you are not told when this hand is. I know you should do your tute work each week but some weeks you may struggle to get it done or understand the topic making it hard to get a good mark if it is collected that week. Also it is unfair in the second half of the course after mid exams with the second collection of the tute work as each tute has different work collected in different weeks. This means some tutes could get an easy tute question to hand in and others could get a hard one. This is not fair. However, the final is open book and is really good, except I ran out of time to do it and could be longer.