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Make sure you do weekly summaries and have case examples for everything as there is a lot of content...
9 years ago
I love research, BUT this class was boring. It's basically a follow on from Stats (TIP: don't do the...
9 years ago
Was fairly interested in the content and the lecturer tried her best to make the work interesting. E...
9 years ago
Absolutely horrible course.
The course was delivered in an intensive format. There would be le...
9 years ago
Really interesting assignment, especially if you give yourself enough time to research all the nitty...
9 years ago
Attend all of the tutes. The exam is mostly based off the textbook (I read the entire book, and most...
9 years ago
Read the textbook as the exam is most likely to be based off this rather than the lecture notes.
9 years ago
verrrryyy boring! but easy to get good grades as long as you go to the tutorials
9 years ago
This subject is designed for those interested in other criminal justice systems in the world, whilst...
9 years ago
Loved this course! I felt sorry for the conveynor though! Definitely do this course!!
9 years ago
Attend all tutorials!! Content is extremely simple if you attend every single tutorial and practice...
9 years ago
Fantastic lecturer, extremely interesting content, awesome tutorials. Loved the assignments but the...
9 years ago
Okay subject, tutors weren't great, lecturer was okay but not great. Boring tutorials, hardly anyone...
9 years ago
Extremely easy subject, attending tutorials is a must. Amazing tutors, awesome lecturer, easy assess...
9 years ago
Worst subject I have ever done. Useless lecturer, clueless tutor, easy exam but confusing assessment...
9 years ago
Tutorials are a must for this subject, boring lectures, fairly simple exam and easy assessments. Gre...
9 years ago
Interesting course, amazing lecturer, easy exam. Assignments are slightly more difficult and the tut...
9 years ago
Interesting course with great guest lecturers. Probably the easiest assessments out of the 24 CCJ s...
10 years ago
A fantastic introduction to university study
10 years ago
Sociology does not interest me.
10 years ago
Not interesting at all for me but essential. Assessment was difficult.
10 years ago
Good core subject.
10 years ago
Great subject!
10 years ago
The best core subject! The court report was interesting.
10 years ago
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