- La Trobe
- Subjects
- Law
- 1,213 LaTrobe Law textbooks
- 29 LaTrobe Law tutors
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Read the textbook. 100 times.
9 years ago
The subject was taught really well and tutorials really clarified what was taught in lectures. Atten...
9 years ago
LIM is great to get a taster for the Law degree in general if you choose to study this while not act...
9 years ago
With only two assessments, one a 1400 word essay worth 35% and the other a 2600 word report worth 65...
10 years ago
The subject is effected greatly by funding cuts. The lecturer does all she can to avoid this impacti...
10 years ago
Too much reliance on a recommended (not prescribed) text book. More examples required for PPSA topic...
10 years ago
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