Introduction To Sociology
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** Study SMART, not hard! ** Come learn the tricks I used in my undergrad studies to attain a WAM of...
First few weeks I found really dry, but some topics I found to be really interesting. Online quizzes that are weekly are the same as the practice quizzes - do the practice quiz first until you get 100%, and you will ace the quiz!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Very interesting and enjoyable subject, run very well and engages the students well. The tutors were great too.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015
Personally I wasn't a fan, but I'm not going to discourage anyone from taking the subject. I met many people who loved this area, I just didn't have that passion! I felt like the content was often subjective and opinion based, making it hard to distinguish fact from fiction.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
i loved what we had to learn! it was fun however sometimes i found the lectures to go off topic a little. the assessment side of things was manageable i just wish i put more effort into the subject from day 1
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
Brilliant content. The tutor was often absent. I wish I could have handled it better.