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The latest second hand business textbooks listed at LaTrobe:
Authors: Dallas Hanson, Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson
2 years agoAuthors: Sheridan Titman, Arthur J. Keown, John D. Martin
2 years agoAuthors: Michael Lambiris, Laura Griffin
2 years agoAuthors: Fred Luthans, Jonathan Doh
2 years agoAuthors: Eliyathamby Selvanathan, Gerald Keller, Saroja Selvanathan
2 years agoAuthors: Sheridan Titman, Tony Martin, Arthur J Keown, John David Martin
2 years agoAuthors: Kim Langfield-Smith, Helen Thorne, David Alan Smith, Ronald W. Hilton
2 years agoAuthors: Robin Ellen Stonecash, Jan Libich, GREGORY N. & KING MANKIW (STEPHEN & GANS, JOSHUA ET AL.), Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Martin Byford, N. Gregory Mankiw
2 years agoAuthors: Barringer
2 years agoAuthors: Shirley Carlon
2 years agoAuthors: Danny Samson, Richard L. Daft, Timothy Donnet
2 years agoAuthors: Robyn Moroney, Fiona Margaret Campbell, Jane Maree Hamilton
2 years agoAuthors: Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Robin Elle Stonecash
2 years agoLaTrobe textbooks by subject area: