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very interesting and super easy assignments, no end of year exam

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

This unit is beyond interesting but one of the hardest units to score. You can pass this if you put in the effort but don't take this if you're aiming for an HD without being a science student (I faired well in Biology in high school and taking Bcomm Marketing now). Really tough to score with accurate terminology required. Take it if you're not looking for a high grade but want to take something interest.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Possibly my own fault for choosing a biology subject; I thought this course was going to be far more interesting than I found it. However, I have had my interest peaked in the sciences on many occasions - when it is well presented. The material was mostly dry and could have easily been made more appealing with a few small tweaks to the presentation of the information being shared.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

This unit was pretty cruisy, easy HD if you keep on top of the content and do all the quizes whilst the lectures are fresh in mind. The majority of the content was interesting and engaging.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

This is a good planet unit, and it's pretty easy since it doesn't have a final exam. The textbook questions and tutorial attendance are an easy way to get your marks up, as well as the poster. The poster assignment is pretty straight forward. Also!!! Don't leave the weekly quizzes to the last minute (They count for 50%)!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015