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$90 per hour

Experienced Uni Lecturer & Financial Professional ( Qualified with Training and Assessment Certifica...

Julius Reyner

$35 per hour

Hello. I am Julius Reyner Charisteo, Master of Commerce student at Macquarie. I am studying Business...


This unit is easy in content. There is 1.5 hour lecture and 1.5 hour tutorial each week. We can just follow what is delivered in the lecture easily. In tutorial, we need to read a paper followed with discussions. The unit convenor is nice but sometimes can be harsh. The lecture for the last two weeks were guest lecture, which was not a suitable time to invite them as the students usually are quite busy. There are various assessments in this unit. The participation marks are easy as long as you follow the instructions. The in-class tests are tricky because there were 30 long questions with only 30 minutes available for each test. I suggest the time should be extended into 45 or 60 minutes. The individual report are quite long but if you put effort it will be okay. The group assessment is also fine as long as everyone in your group want to do the allocated tasks.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024