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Very stressful unit. Basically they taught us CSS/HTML which was quite easy, then complex JavaScript and assume we can do every question in the assignment by ourselves without any help, except with previous workshop solutions. Even looking for things online is difficult because not many people use web programming. Actually this is the first time I heard about 1 page Web application. The workshop solutions helped a bit but not with every question. The major assignment was also marked very harshly for the design section, since I got marked down for something that was not in the criteria. However the report was marked fair. The pace of this unit goes very quickly.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This unit is very poorly taught. The practicals comprise figuring it out on your own in a given time, and no actual teaching. If I wanted to teach myself I would go on youtube, which would even be more engaging. The only reason students do this course is because it is unfortunately part of the core units for many degrees. Unless you already know HTML, JS and CSS, the only way to do well is to teach yourself (depsite paying the university to teach you).

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Online teaching is obviously brutal but this unit makes it even harder. The tutes are not entirely relevant and the most important thing they provide is the attendance marks aside from that the assignments test knowledge that I feel you just don't get from material within the unit. If you're really passionate about HTML, JS and CSS you might find this unit enjoyable.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021