
Stephen P. Robbins, Rolf Bergman, Mary Coulter

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Basically, if you want to do this unit because you think it's fun, it's not. However, most students can pass this unit. The quizzes are 40 multiple choice questions and you have 1 hr and 20 mins time limit which is enough. The quizzes are relatively easy if you have a pdf e-textbook. It doesn't need to be the recommended Australian version but if you can find a global version that was published around the same year as the Australian version you will have no problems. The university has the e-textbook online via ProQuest Ebook Central, however, it is hard to search for the exact topic on that platform which is why I found the pdf global version online. The first assignment which is an essay is very vague on what the teacher is asking. Once we got our marks and it was on ilearn for about 2 weeks Dr Shan Chen decreased our marks because of "moderation". In my opinion, nothing that was published for so long should be modified. The written exam wasn't too bad as we were allowed to bring a written page of notes. This unit doesn't really talk about technology other than the business plan assignment. We had Dr Peter Busch for the second half of the semester. He is a great lecturer, he explains everything well and doesn't bore you by just reading/narrating the lecture notes unlike the other lecturer for the first half. If you want a theory-based unit or you want to know how organizations work, then enjoy.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

I quickly learnt that this subject, bar one lecture towards the end of the semester, has nothing to do with technology and is purely a general management-based course. However, it is not too hard as most of the content is common sense. There is a lot of content though, something like 18 chapters worth from a 600+ paged textbook. The second assignment is where you can make the unit somewhat technology-based by creating a tech-related venture for your business plan. The 4 open-book quizzes are extremely easy to do well in. Overall, I probably wouldn't choose this subject as an elective if I had the choice again but nonetheless, it isn't horrible.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020