Database Systems
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The subject it self isn't too bad. It was nice for the unit convener to give us extensions for the assignments, however I do feel like the assignments were not organised properly especially with the 2nd assignment which had to do with programming, because we started the programming topic about 2 weeks prior to starting the assignment. The final wasn't too bad. It seemed easier than the past exam papers. If you want to do something very similar to 114 Introduction to Database systems that is a little more advanced and has programming then go ahead. If you're good with programming then this unit might be easier for you.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
If it was possible to give a negative star rating then I would. The university should change the name from "Database Systems" to "How to lower my GPA in one simple step systems." Undoubtedly the most disorganised unit I have ever experienced during my time at Macquarie. Looking at the unit outline, this subject has potential to be an outstanding database unit, however, it is the complete opposite. All assessments lack ambiguity and organisation. Due dates were extended several times for each assessment, further highlighting the lack of organisation. Practical and tutorial classes were nothing but futile and lectures were an absolute pain to sit through. Lectures became a competition of "who could stay awake the longest" with the record being 3 minutes and 12 seconds. Abysmal unit, which is a shame for the Computing Department.