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They closed the student evaluations, so I'm writing this here. This class was poorly executed in so many ways. For starters, we had 2-hour tutorials that were marked for attendance, which they are unfairly strict about. If you miss out one week because of an emergency that is out of your hands, they reply with, “it's unfair to the students who attended to give you the attendance mark,” so you then have to go through MQ to lodge an official request to get the attendance mark. Not to mention, these 2-hour classes are extremely irrelevant to being in an internship. 2 hours could be cut down to 1 hour easily. The content these classes went through did not prepare us for our internships at all, or even had any relevance to the 4-minute video comments we had to also upload biweekly, which had to include the weekly reading, which also was not discussed during class at all. These videos could be changed to a 200-word response easily as they don't mark on what we talk about, just if we actually do it. The assessment weighting in this class is also absurd. Engagement and performance (video blogs and biweekly classes) are 20%, reflection task 1 is 20%, reflection task 2 is 25%, and our actual internship that we need 70 hours to complete is at a very low 35%. So even if you don't do your internship…in an internship class… you can still pass! Isn't that amazing? Not only is our actual internship worth less than our reflection essays, but those essays are marked very harshly. They are more focused on us talking about what we learn in other classes and their theories rather than our actual internship. To sum up, this class needs a whole restructure as the tutorials are disengaging and irrelevant, and the workload is unreasonable when we are also expected to complete a 70-hour internship

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Assignments are too short for the amount of information that they want you to include. 1200 words for a reflection task with 5 questions is much too short. A better essay length would be 2000 words, which allows for elaboration on each question. The marking is also incredibly strict, many of my peers are barely passing despite having good grades in their other subjects and having concise and well written essays. There are bi-weekly video comments on the readings which could be much better served as text comments, and they barely relate to the internships. Overall this unit feels poorly organised and unfocussed, it puts more pressure on the students work inside the course, then where it should be spent, in the internship.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024


Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021