Happiness, Goodness And Justice
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43 pages, 15195 words
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I recently completed a PhD in Philosophy at the Australian National University (ANU). Before that, I...
The fact that degenerate child groomers (also known as the LGBT+) think they have the gall to teach impressionable teenagers who spend almost $2000 on this subject about philosophy is the final nail in the coffin that the education system and Macquarie University has completely collapsed in every single aspect. Having 'pronouned' professors who go on wine binges and engage in degenerate homosexuality while marking students' papers and expect to be taken seriously is beyond me. Macquarie University, if you want to be treated as a real university please consider the following. Sincerely, Anonymous Student.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Best unit I took out of my whole degree
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
This was a really enjoyable unit and the content was so in-depth and thought provoking. Definitely recommend if you are interested in philosophy. Tutorials were online and participation is weighted a fair bit, so my tip would be to genuinely engage with the content, speak up, and put your thoughts out there. Assessments were manageable as well, as there were only weekly quizzes, a reflection, essay and participation, and no final exam.