Psychology: from Inquiry to Understanding

Scott Lilienfeld, Steven Lynn, Laura Namy, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Virginia Slaughter

For sale by Meg for $100


Scott Lillienfled, Steven J. Lynn, Laura L. Namy, Nancy J. Woolf, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Tony Marks, Virginia Slaughter, Alex Main

For sale by Jessica for $25

HD - Detailed 60+ Page Notes - Intro to Pyschology

Received a HD - Covers all lecture topics: 1. Unit Introduction 2-3. History & Methods. 4. Motiv...

61 pages, 30508 words

PSYU1104 Lecture and Reading Summaries

Detailed Summaries of Readings/Lecture Notes For Topics: History and Methods Motivation Hunger,...

36 pages, 15240 words

PSYU1104: Introduction to Psychology 1 (PSYCHOLOGY CONTENT0

Psychology content only for intro to psych 1 Textbook: From Inquiry to Understanding, Lilienfeld et...

34 pages, 8282 words

Concise Summary of PSYU1104 Lectures, Tutorials, and Readings

My summary covers the regular psychology lectures (not the research design lectures). I am a student...

18 pages, 3736 words

DISTINCTION PSYU1104 NOTES (Includes Research Design Content)

- Selling my detailed, thorough and comprehensive notes for PSYU1104 in which I achieved a Distincti...

157 pages, 50457 words

Extremely detailed Introduction to Psychology notes (Disctinction, 81)

Hello! Thank you for your interest in my notes. These notes are what helped me achieve over 90 in th...

91 pages, 27951 words

PSYU1104: Introduction to Psychology 1 (RESEARCH AND DESIGN)

Research and design strand of intro to psych 1 Topics: Introduction & Overview Philosophical Foun...

28 pages, 6620 words


$60 per hour

-HIGHLY LIMITED- Let me know as soon as you're interested in tutoring if you want a regular spot!-...


$60 per hour

I completed a Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at Macquarie University in 2024, achieving First Clas...


$60 per hour

Hi there! I recently completed my Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) at Macquarie University, grad...


$50 per hour

Bachelor of Psychology graduate, completing my Honours equivalent year to reach a Masters of Clinica...


$60 per hour

Hello! I finished my Bachelor of Psychology and have received admission into my Honours year at...


$30 per hour

## First session FREE ## PhD Candidate + Scholarship Recipient || Award-Winning Tutor || Exam Pre...


$25 per hour

** University Medallist ** Award Winning Tutor ** Funny, Relaxed and Approachable Hello! I'm Jan...


$50 per hour

My name is Sarah, and I am currently completely my Masters and have received an HD average in the ma...


$40 per hour

I was in a double degree B. Engineering (Mechatronics major)// Human Sciences (Human Movement major)...


$80 per hour

[S1_2025 Available for assignment feedback only] Practicing psychologist and academic teacher with...


Strong workload, but good opportunity to boost WAM. As advised by another student, start your essay early and follow APA guidelines as well as utilise your tutors! Assessed content isn't too tough, but the essay questions can be vague and almost too open to interpretation. There's a lot of content to cover each week, however the workload is still manageable. I did this in Session 3 and despite having to cover 3 weeks of content per week, still managed to get it done in 12-14 hours each week and score a high mark. In a normal semester, 7 hours of study each week is more than enough to net you a D/HD.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

A great introduction into psychology at MQ. Perhaps not recommended as an elective if coming from another degree due to the amount of content. Start your essay early, follow APA guidelines when writing it and ask questions in the tutorials if you're unsure on how to write an essay. If you keep up with the lectures each week then the exam isn't too difficult. With consistent effort an HD (and handy GPA boost) is possible.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

I enjoyed this unit, the workload is immense compared to other subjects but I felt I gained a lot of knowledge out of this unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

much harder than you would think; intense work load. 3 hours of lectures, 2 hours of tutorials and all the reading per week was a disproportionate work load compared to most other subjects. Wouldn't recommend as an elective, but otherwise it's very interesting

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Very challenging unit due to the immense content workload. It is interesting but difficult!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Overall an okay unit. I didn't really enjoy it as it is really focused on people studying Psych, and I felt that some of the content was completely irrelevant to what I am studying. If I had to choose this as an elective, I wouldn't due to the amount of content. Can't really provide a full on-campus review, as with COVID, we spent about 80% of it online. Lectures: - Some lectures can be very boring, as they go over a few weeks, and you spend so many hours on one topic. - There are some lectures on mental health issues, which can be heavy topics for some people. They didn't really have warnings before the lecture, so maybe flick through the slides before you start the lectures Tutorials: - The tutorials seemed to be a waste of time, but you can't not go, as they are compulsory - If you are doing this unit, get in quick for tutorials as the good timed ones go fast. I learnt this the hard way and nearly ended up with an 8 am tutorial, with a 2-hour commute to uni. Research Design - The trick is to download the lecture slides and copy them as notes. The lecturer just reads the slides, so not waste your time listening to him. - DO NOT BUY THE TEXTBOOK!!! It is a waste of $80. I bought in the first week, as they made it seem like it's required, however I know so many people who didn't buy it (including myself) and went perfectly fine Assessments - The essay is the hardest assessment of them all!!! They hardly discussed the topic at all in the tutorials, and marked it quite hard. - Personally, I really enjoyed the research participation. It's really easy to get the credit if you pace yourself throughout the unit, instead of leaving it to the last few weeks to do

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020