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Authors: John Clark, Collin Yallop, Janet Fletcher
5 months agoAuthors: Katy Barnett, Sirko Harder
5 months agoAuthors: Katy Barnett, Kenneth Yin, Martin Allcock
5 months agoAuthors: Sharon Lawner Weinberg, Sarah Knapp Abramowitz
5 months agoAuthors: James Crawford
5 months agoAuthors: R CREYKE; D HAMER; P O?MARA; B SMITH; T TAYLOR.
5 months agoAuthors: R CREYKE; D HAMER; P O?MARA; B SMITH; T TAYLOR.
5 months agoAuthors: Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Mokhtarul Wadud, Jenny Lye
5 months agoAuthors: Hue Hwa Au Yong, Nigel Morkel-Kingsbury, Michael Dempsey, James Murray
5 months agoAuthors: Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus
5 months agoAuthors: John C. Hull
5 months agoAuthors: Ben Bernanke, Nilss Olekalns, Robert H. Frank
5 months agoAuthors: Peter Radan, John V. Gooley, Ilija Vickovich
5 months agoAuthors: Jane Coles, Rex Gibson, Vicki Wienand, Richard Andrews
5 months agoMacq. textbooks by subject area: