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Authors: American Psychological Association
5 months agoAuthors: Gregory Powers
5 months agoAuthors: J GOOLEY; P RADAN; I VICKOVICH.
5 months agoAuthors: Ron Ruskin
5 months agoAuthors: R. Ruskin
5 months agoAuthors: Scott Bultitude, M. Cleal, Alice De Haan, R. Holland, C. Smith, J. Wright
5 months agoAuthors: Bruce Dennett, Bernie Howitt, Emily Shanahan
5 months agoAuthors: Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworhty
5 months agoAuthors: Castan Melissa Joseph Sarah
5 months agoAuthors: Dean Dudley, Amanda Telford, Claire Stonehouse, Louisa Peralta, Matthew Winslade
5 months agoAuthors: Brady, Laurie & Kennedy, Kerry
5 months agoAuthors: John De Nobile, Gordon Lyons (Lecturer and researcher), Michael Arthur-Kelly
5 months agoAuthors: Dean Dudley
5 months agoAuthors: Dean Dudley
5 months agoAuthors: Dean Dudley
5 months agoAuthors: Cecily Rose, Niels Blokker, Daniƫlla Dam-de Jong, Simone van den Driest, Robert Heinsch, Erik Koppe, Nico Schrijver
5 months agoAuthors: Joanne Ailwood, Wendy Boyd, Maryanne Theobald
5 months agoAuthors: Anthony Welch, Raewyn Connell, Nicole Mockler, Arathi Sriprakash, Helen Proctor, Debra Hayes, Dennis Foley, Margaret Vickers, Nigel Bagnall, Kellie Burns, Remy Lowe, Susan Groundwater-Smith
5 months agoMacq. textbooks by subject area: