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Authors: Yue Ma, Michael S. Common, David Maddison, James McGilvray
5 months agoAuthors: Austan Goolsbee, Steven Levitt, Chad Syverson
5 months agoAuthors: Lynette Ireland, Brenda Krenus, Leigh Pointon
5 months agoAuthors: Robin Creyke, John McMillan, Mark Smyth
5 months agoAuthors: Katy Barnett, Sirko Harder
5 months agoAuthors: James Crawford
5 months agoAuthors: Brendan Edgeworth, Christopher Rossiter, Margaret Stone, Pamela O'Connor, A. Godwin
5 months agoAuthors: W & LUPTON COVELL (K & PARSONS, L.)
5 months agoAuthors: David Rolph, Matt Vitins, Judith Bannister, Daniel Joyce
5 months agoAuthors: Hans Op de Beeck, Chie Nakatani
5 months agoAuthors: Paula Baron, Lillian Corbin
5 months agoAuthors: J GOOLEY; P RADAN; I VICKOVICH.
5 months agoAuthors: LexisNexis Butterworths
5 months agoAuthors: Stephen Bottomley, Kath Hall, Peta Spender, Beth Nosworhty
5 months agoAuthors: Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams, Mengistu Amberber, Felicity Cox, Rosalind Thornton
5 months agoAuthors: Phillips Viney
5 months agoAuthors: Christopher Viney, Peter Phillips
5 months agoAuthors: Margaret Cavendish
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