Ancient Civilizations

Christopher Scarre, Brian M. Fagan

For sale by Molly for $50

Ancient Cultures 1

This includes notes on all the topics covered in Ancient Cultures 1, including important events, peo...

7 pages, 3287 words


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If you are interested in archaeology & ancient cultures, then you will probably love this subject as much as I do. There are a variety of cultures that are studied including ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Mycenaean culture & Minoan culture. The lecturers are pretty good, the standout was Anna Stevens for Egypt. The assessments were pretty standard, there are online quizzes throughout the semester, an annotated bibliography, a major essay and an online exam. There are weekly lectures + online video modules which help to increase your knowledge in certain areas. However the readings were often really long and not very interesting. Highly recommend this unit !

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The content matter was usually interesting however the unit was poorly organised and readings were often boring.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017