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ATS1261(D) Understanding Human Behaviour- QUIZ NOTES

The topics covered are from WEEK 3-11. Includes notes from recommended readings and lecture notes....

33 pages, 9562 words

ATS1261 HD Notes

clear and easy to understand HD notes of understanding human behaviour

27 pages, 6846 words

Lecture test 2 notes

This is all you will need to ace your lecture test 2 in ATS1261. It covers Weeks 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,...

20 pages, 6598 words

Understanding Human Behaviour Online MCQ Test (2) Notes

Covers content from the relevant topics/weeks in a concise manner. Topics include: - Human-animal...

10 pages, 4867 words

Lecture test 1 notes

This is all you will need to ace your lecture test 1 in ATS1261.

5 pages, 1513 words


$20 per hour

!! Here to help you ace your exams and assessments, while helping you understand the whole content !...


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


Honestly, this unit's pretty fun and relatively easy if you just put in the substantial effort. The topics covered are relatable and a number of the tutors are seen to be passionate and knowledgeable about the topics. There is a considerable amount of time in tutorials that is dedicated to helping students with their assessments, and the tutors are kind enough to really flesh out their expectations. Also, many of the tutorial activities were good food for thought and engaging!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I can say this was a great subject to anyone who never skipped lessons and any student who put effort to learn. I passed just fine

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Nice and I really loved it, I got a distinction. I could guide my fellow classmates

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Tutorials were boring

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

really interesting subject, lectures and tutorials are engaging and very detailed. assessments are really easy if you pay attention in lectures.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

Nothing more can be said than in the first comment above - Kerry makes this subject so enjoyable and the content is interesting and applicable to real life situations. So much help was given by Kerry for the research report as well - he goes above and beyond was is necessary, but we all really appreciated (and needed) the help!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

I totally agree about Kerry - he is ace. The major assignment for this subject take a whole lot of time so make sure you start it early. Prepare to learn some crazy, interesting things!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

I absolutely loved this subject and it was purely because of my lecturer, Kerry O'Brien. He was great at engaging everyone in the lecture theatre rather than just reading the content word for word off a lecture screen. The content was really interesting and incorporated aspects of psychology and social behaviour. The topics covers throughout the semester were applicable to real life situations which made learning about them quite interesting and straightforward. There was one major assignment task (a written report) which was clearly explained by the lecturer and tutors, and a lot of information was provided to students on how to go about writing the report. There were two in lecture tests which required you to have a pretty good understanding of the content but were very straightforward and included a lot of multiple choice questions.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014