Commercial Law
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View all BTC1110 notesCommercial Law BTC1110 | 92HD
BTC1110 requires clearly organised information so that it can be accessed with ease during assessmen...
104 pages, 48369 words
BTC1110 Commercial Law Notes HD (90%)
Comprehensive notes for BTC1110. I received a HD (90%) using these notes. There is a topic list...
58 pages, 19927 words
Intro to contract law: offer and acceptance - intent and consideration - contents and interpretation
Topic covered: Intro to contract law: offer and acceptance - intent and consideration - contents...
18 pages, 4564 words
Topics covered: - consumer protection - law of torts - professional negligence - business relati...
70 pages, 23547 words
BTC1110 Commercial Law - HD Course Notes (86)
These course notes contain the most important information for BTC1110 Commercial Law. Week 1: Int...
45 pages, 10000 words
Comprehensive HD BTC1110 Commercial Law notes. Includes: - Hyperlinked sections - allow you to fi...
40 pages, 8895 words
BTC1100 Exam Notes Weeks 6-12 (92 - HD)
- All content from weeks 6-12 included. Covers negligent acts and statements, consumer protection an...
17 pages, 5798 words
BTC1110 Notes and Table of Cases and Statutory Law (88% mark)
These notes were carefully crafted and used throughout the semester and the final exam to score 88%...
74 pages, 18280 words
BTC1110 Exam Notes
Comprehensive Exam Notes that includes the following topics compiled from readings, lectures & consu...
29 pages, 7216 words
Comprehensive notes based on 6th Edition Clear structure and detailed notes Includes relevan...
63 pages, 22879 words
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It is hard but you can still get a HD if you engage in every weeks' content and have Eugenio as the tutor. Highly recommend! The knowledge from this unit is really fun and practical if you like rules and laws. If you miss a week, you are a year behind the content and risk your chance to get HD, so always pay attention to this unit!!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
Eugenio is so passionate about this unit, which really made the lectures and tutorials interesting. I am personally not the strongest writer and this unit does require a bit of writing. Managed to overall HD the unit thanks to Eugenio! Some tips I would recommend is to actually stay on top of the work - there are a few readings (not as much but still time consuming) and to also participate in the tutorials. If you have Eugenio, he helps consolidate the main ideas and how to structure your answers. Also another tip is to have a document with all your cases along with the main topic that the case is about. This is extremely useful for the midsem and exam as you will be required to reference the relevant cases. If you really try to engage in the unit you will definitely do fine!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Rebecca was a great lecturer, and Eugenio was an amazing tutor. If you don't love law, this unit probably isn't for you, as it's pretty fast paced and you may struggle to keep up. If you love law, please do this unit, it's super interesting and detailed. Learning about cases as examples was often hilarious, the things people try to get away with!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
I absolutely LOVED this unit. My friends who did this unit told me it was really hard, so I made sure to watch all the lectures and attend all the tutorials. The lectures by Eugenio were good! Except his slides were quite simple. On the other hand, the lectures by Rebecca were a bit bland, but her slides were fantastic. Eugenio was my tutor and he made classes so interesting, and you could tell he had a passion for the subject! The only thing I struggled with was that it is difficult to figure out HOW to answer questions. Even though I didn't go, I imagine that the PASS sessions would be helpful for this. For notes, you only really need the textbook for Cases and Review Questions. All the content you need is in the lectures. Eugenio was also happy to give feedback if you emailed him questions, which really helped me a lot. Ended up getting an 86 for this unit with not TOO MUCH study.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
**Took BTF1010 but it's literally the same unit incl. textbook and unit guide** Reasonably alright content, particularly when the first assessment is a multiple choice quiz, however I feel mildly bias as I took the unit as an elective (not a business student) because of my interest in Law. Teaches a lot of transferable knowledge (particularly in areas of consumer law) so is quite a useful unit to take even if it is a core unit for you, might as well embrace it.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Disclaimer: I am a Commerce student whose strengths are way more geared towards humanities/the arts. I found this super super easy. Was able to score well even though I didn’t show up to a single tute (except for assessments) or lecture. The textbook is super useful and being open book makes things soooooo easy. Only thing that was slightly difficult was having to write so much content in such limited time during the final exam. Just write quickly all the way through so you’re not rushing last minute.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
This unit would have been a disaster if it wasn't for the PASS sessions. They are a must if you want to do well in this unit as they actually help students go through practice questions and are much more useful than tutorials (which aren't compulsory) in regards to the final exam. Lecture content is also pretty dry and I feel the unit could have been taught much more succinctly.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Although it can help you in real life, this is the hardest core unit by far. The tutors really dont care about the students so expect to teach yourself! The textbook in a hard copy is essential as it is open book exams
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Probably the worst thing ever, as someone who doesn't perform well in test situations this unit totally screwed me over. Total WAM killer and the tutors don't care at all. Literally act like you're an inconvenience of the job when you ARE their job! Monash needs to do a total overall of this subject.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Most difficult commerce core unit. Requires good writing and english skills. Heavy law content which is difficult for someone who doesn't like law.