Basic Business Statistics

Mark L. Berenson, David M. Levine, Kathryn A. Szabat, Martin O'Brien, Nicola Jayne, Judith Watson

For sale by Christian for $20

ETF1100 Notes and Step by Step Guides

Concise Notes taken from combination of all Pre-class Videos and Lecture. Save yourself the time and...

28 pages, 4709 words

ETF1100 Business Statistics Complete Formula Cheat Sheet

Extensive formula cheat sheet covering topics: - Probability - Levels of Measurement - Variation...

20 pages, 1431 words

Business Statistics ETF1100 Summary Exam Reminders HD 89%

These are a really short, but useful set of dotpoint notes that outline the most important things to...

3 pages, 1166 words

Business Statistics VERY CONCISE Notes!!!

The notes contain the following topics: - Basic Concepts of Statistics - Identifying Sources and T...

9 pages, 2677 words

Business Statistics (ETF1100)

Detailed and extensive notes covering all topics from the entire semester. Topics include: - Descri...

55 pages, 10188 words


Compilation of lecture notes organised in a structured and easy to understand manner.

86 pages, 13500 words

Business Statistics

This document is a summary of the chapters from the textbook. It has been well-organised and set up...

35 pages, 2192 words

ETF1100 Business Statistic Notes

Complete and Comprehensive Notes for all topics of ETF1100 Business Statistics (Monash University)....

131 pages, 14075 words

Business Statistics Notes

Detailed bus stats notes on every lecture, tutorial and online lesson per week of semester. Includin...

21 pages, 5684 words

Business Statistics notes


68 pages, 5000 words


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Course is very interesting and enjoyable. A bit different to the business units that I'm used to, in that the tutorials contain a significant portion of the content rather than just recapping or further exploring content initially covered in the lectures. It definitely pays to ask every question you can think of so that your understanding of excel is strong. It will need to be for the assignments!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

This subject is easy as pie if you actually dedicate the time to do all the work. You'll find lots of people failing the unit because they didn't put in enough work (like me). You might find some of the concepts a bit tricky if you weren't a super mathy student, but your tutors are always willing to help you out and that and so is Gerri. It's not like Law or Marketing where you can cram the night before the exam - do the work during the semester or regret it when you fail since the exam is worth 70%. I did find the exam a lot more harder than the practise exam so consider yourself warned!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016