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Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Notes - MGX3100

Comprehensive study notes for the 12 weeks of semester content. These notes are formatted with colou...

77 pages, 23312 words

Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Notes MGX3100 Monash

Notes for Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Notes (MGX3100) Monash completed in se...

66 pages, 19824 words


These notes can act as a set of final exam study notes, in which i've summarised the key concepts pe...

29 pages, 12580 words


These notes were absolute life savers in the lead up to the exam. They essentially summarise the key...

10 pages, 6373 words

MGX3100 HD notes topic summaries 1-12

These notes cover the weekly topics discussed throughout MGX3100; Topic 1-2: Ethical Theory Topic...

22 pages, 6045 words

Subject Summary

Summarised MGX3100 HD notes for effective and quick revision.

40 pages, 10208 words

Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics Notes

Detailed corporate social responsibility and business ethics notes on every lecture per week of seme...

67 pages, 20388 words

Lecture summaries MGX3100

Lecture summaries of main important points, including summaries of readings in some weeks.

26 pages, 4527 words

MGX3100- CSR and Business Ethics Revision Notes (2017)

Condensed Notes - Covering all relevant topics from MGX3100.

20 pages, 7600 words


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No more exams for the class and is replaced by an essay assignment weighted 30%. Tutorials are just the class discussion and the teacher explaining about ethics issues relating to businesses. quizzes are easy to do and feedbacks after the debate are easy to do. The debate was quite, thought provoking and if you managed to somehow get a good grasps and explain your thought regarding it concisely it should be a breeze. On the other hand the last assignment (essay) was pretty hard ? in a way that the grades that you expect might not come to fruition as the current lecturer criticise the essay very strictly. Need to have at least high-level analyses skills and need to be able to relate to the topics that was discussed on the tutorials/lectured well to be able to at least get 60?. Most of the members in my group got 60 below , probably a skill issue but still something to weigh on if you're taking this class to increase your WAM as the last essay marks are very strict in comparison to other theory based / essay as exam classes I have took previously.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Because of covid 19 the discussion tutorials for this subject have been replaced with written assessments - these are 500-1000 words, and you're required to argue for/against a particular issue. There's no individual feedback on these but the lecturer does provide some exemplars and a few general critiques of the cohort's work each week. There are also quizzes every week (these are quick but require a copy of the textbook), and an essay (2500 words) about Westpac negligence. Honestly this unit can be pretty dry at times and I wish we used more contemporary texts that addressed current issues, but the unit is straightforward, the exam is fair and the lecturer is quite nice.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

While the content was interesting and a bit thought-provoking, the tutorials were a drag. A normal tutorial would consist of going over the lecture content, some class discussion, application questions, group work etc. Tutorials for this unit involve a pair of students giving their own lecture with varied applications to an organisation, event or ethical dilemma (i.e. the group assignment) every week and everyone else sitting there pretending to listen.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

An interesting subject that forces you to question the ethics behind a lot of business related issues. This unit is offered at the Caulfield campus, but also as an international study abroad unit taught at the Monash Prato campus. I studied this at Prato and really benefited from the small class size and discussion based learning and would recommend it as a good winter unit option for anyone who wants to combine minimal study with a lot of travel opportunity!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2013