Marketing Planning And Implementation
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View all MKF3121 notesMarketing Planning and Implementraion Supplementary notes for exam revision
Detailed notes curated specifically to understand MPI concepts for exam revision & assignment writin...
34 pages, 11661 words
Market Planning And Implementation Exam Notes
Detailed exam notes for MKF3121, covering all relevant topics
27 pages, 4929 words
MKF3121 comprehensive HD notes!
Complete Monash University MKF3121 notes including relevant information for the entire course. A...
110 pages, 12355 words
Marketing Planning and Implementation Viva Voice Notes
The exam for this subject is oral examination. This is easy to do if the topics are well understood....
29 pages, 4847 words
Marketing Implementation MKF3121 HD Week 1-10 Easy Summary Notes
Hi! this weekly easy summary notes is very ideal for you if you want to easily recap or find it hard...
4 pages, 1074 words
This table is a useful tool in providing you with easy to recall examples to draw on in the final or...
9 pages, 1144 words
Marketing Planning and Implementation HD Notes
This document of summaries has been well-organised and set up in a way that is clear and easy to fol...
27 pages, 2264 words
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poorly taught unit, the content is definitely something needed but needs a new teacher.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
very poorly taught. Assignments are confusing and not clearly communicated. If you score bad don't be upset, this unit lacks a lot. Good luck
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Had the potential to be a great subject. However, it was taught so badly that nothing made sense. The assignments were poorly explained and structured and jane did not teach relevant material and prepare us for the final assignment. 12 weeks of pure stress and feeling shit about myself and my progress. Would not recommend to do this unit.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
This unit has the potential to be a great unit giving you the opportunity to learn valuable industry skills. However, the unit was very very very poorly taught. Jane is a piece of work, who leaves each tutorial 15 mins early for a coffee, and runs the class in a way that is non-conducive for class discussions. She spends a significant amount of time promoting the MMSS, and then proceeds to talk about how hard she is working for this unit, leaving her marketing internship students waiting. She has also inadequate teaching and tells the class repeatedly that we are crappy marketers. Not to mention subtle indirect racism. Monash Uni has fantastic tutors. However, Jane is not one of them.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
12 long weeks of pure stress. I thoroughly disliked how this subject was run. The content itself is great - I would have actually enjoyed this subject if I was not left feeling so anxious due to the vague answers I received when asking questions. The Viva was very difficult and unpleasant. Thank goodness it is over :/
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Like many others, I absolutely hate this unit. Erica answers so vaguely and doesn't help. Jacki is slightly more specific and a little better, but still can be quite vague. I'm supposed to feel more confident after consulting them but instead, I feel absolutely even more stressed when it comes to the assessments. I would never do this unit if it was optional but no, it's compulsory, so I have no choice. Erica said the Viva was supposed to be easier than anticipated. Whilst others did find it easier than anticipated, I found it much harder than anticipated and it left me feeling absolutely shit about myself.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
Erica Brady is the WORST. She makes this unit overly complicated when it simply doesn't need to be. She's extremely vague when 'answering' questions about the coursework and her assignments where there is barely a brief and the marking guide is extremely generalised. She offers absolutely no insight. It takes up far too much time for such little reward. This unit needs a major, major overhaul and it starts with Erica.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020
very hard subject, viva voce is only 30% of overall mark but very stressful. Hard assignments and waste a lot of time, also very strict with marking.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019
Absolutely hated this unit, it was so stressful and took a large portion of my workload over the semester to get the assignments done. Only did it because it was compulsory otherwise would not recommend at all.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
The content and skills are useful but be prepared for the presentation as they're likely to interrogate you. The Viva Voce exam was also tough as some of the questions were overly specific. The video lectures were incredibly dry and my tutor was weirdly vague when answering questions and often avoided them or just didn't answer so be prepared to hound them for feedback on your ideas and work.