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PSY2051 notes

- Ordered via week 1-12 - Based on readings and lecture notes - Received high 90s in this subject...

37 pages, 11400 words


$70 per hour

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This subject is great if you're maths-minded and enjoy statistics. It is easy to well in: follow the exact SPSS instructions you are given and you cannot fail.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

I did this unit online and really enjoyed it. The weekend workshop was great and my tutor was excellent.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

I'm not overly interested in statistics but I actually found this subject quite enjoyable. Once you have a basic understanding of the content, assignments are much easier than they first appear. I remember feeling really overwhelmed at the beginning of the semester but after a couple of weeks this changed and I found that a lot of the topics covered throughout semester required knowledge that overlapped. The exam was 100 multiple choice questions and it was very straight forward. Students just need to be well informed of the content and I think the lecturer achieves this.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

At first, I found this unit quite horrifying and dreading however over the semester, I began to love it. This unit combines statistics with biology and that sounds challenging, rest asure it is not. As I began going through lectures and paying attention to every detail that the lecturer and tutor said, I detected a pattern and started enjoying the unit. Once you have the details, assignments are much easier than they first appeared. Students just need to be well informed of the content and I think the lecturer somewhat achieves this. The exam was multiple choice and difficulty was moderate/easy.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014