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  • 247 Newcastle Health ratings and reviews

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Good course offering overview of all body systems. Stay up with notes & studying to do well.

8 years ago


Intense but such an awesome course. I recommend to keep up with notes & studying to do well in this...

8 years ago


A subject easy to get high marks in and provides a good base level for what to expect at uni.

8 years ago


Anyone who hasn't done any form of biology in a while would benefit from doing a bridging course on...

8 years ago


Great class, so hard if you haven't been to school in awhile and aren't very good with mathematics

8 years ago


Challenging but enjoyable, covers a lot of material

8 years ago


Wasn't the best organised. Information did not match up & people had no idea what to study for exams...

8 years ago


A well organized course that covers a lot of material. If you want to get the most out of the course...

9 years ago


Difficult but interesting course. Everything links together from one week to the next, so it can bec...

9 years ago


Very good course, teaching staff excellent. Assignments are very easy and gone through in class.

9 years ago


Very interesting concepts that were taught very well. Great teaching staff and course content not ov...

9 years ago


Excellent chemistry subject providing you know the basics to chemistry. Quite engaging in the labs a...

9 years ago


Not a bad course. Definitely the kind of course that requires very active learning to truly master....

9 years ago


A good opportunity to learn on the job over 8 weeks of professional placement. This course has reaso...

10 years ago


A good overview of the human body and systems. Well put together lectures.

10 years ago


Chem is a really well taught subject but make sure to keep up with it all as it goes really quickly....

10 years ago


Loved my clinical facilitators, very supportive and professional. Assessments/portfolios were releva...

10 years ago


Not an easy course, basic math skills essential, esp algebra and ratios, high school chem would make...

10 years ago


Incredibly poor delivery of the immunology component, absolutely woeful. Bacteriology and Virology c...

10 years ago


Good support, especially from Katherine, interesting labs, effort on the part of lecturers to help y...

10 years ago


just memorize 4 pathological conditions, RNA virus, DNA virus, immunological condition, and bacterio...

10 years ago


Good class but make sure you keep up with the continuous assessments.

10 years ago


study the genomic labs but don't bother with the proteomics ones.

10 years ago


Super boring but easy to get high marks in

10 years ago

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