
Are you tired of sifting through Richard's dense af paragraphs? Well tire no more! These tabulated notes allowed me to achieve a HD in my final 6 subject (yes 6 subject) semester. They are an amalgamation of information within the course notes as well as lecture dictations. Each table maximises information retention and contains straight-to-the-point information. The use of paragraphs is once again minimised. Included in this pack are: - Lower Limb notes - Spine notes - Nerve Lesions for both Upper and Lower Limb and Spine - Formative assessment multiple choice questions Note: The reason for the separation of notes is due to the change in page orientation from portrait (upper limb) to landscape (lower limb) as Word tables are hell at the best of times.


Semester 2, 2016

36 pages

6,910 words



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