
Hi there! Are you chasing that elusive HD? These notes should propel you there! I was new to Finance and achieved in the exam and 87 for the subject. These notes have been carefully prepared in plain english with numerous examples (accounting for the high word count and page length). Enjoy the notes, use them well and good luck! Contains: Week 1/ Topic 1: Introduction to Finance Week 2/ Topic 2: Financial Mathematics – Part 1 Week 3/ Topic 2: Financial Mathematics – Part 2 Week 4/ Topic 3: Financial Mathematics – Part 2 Week 5/ Topic 5: Valuations of Debt and Equity Week 6/ Topic 4: Risk and Return Part 1 Week 7/ Topic 4: Risk and Return Part 2 Week 8/ Topic 3: Risk and Return Part 3 Week 9/ Topic 4: Risk and Return Part 2 Week 10/ Topic 4: Risk and Return Part 2


Semester 1, 2017

43 pages

10,900 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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December 2012