LLAW3221 Real Property Law - Exam Notes (Grade: HD)
Subject notes for Flinders LLAW3221
I am selling exam notes for LLAW3221 Real Property Law. The notes can be used for all students studying real property law in South Australia, given they are tailored specifically for those studying South Australian real property law. All important cases and legislative sections are listed and referred to throughout. If you are a student at Flinders University, the notes will be of utmost benefit to you. The notes are succinct, comprehensive and detailed to cover the entirety of the topic of real property law at Flinders University. You will not have to rush your way through hundreds of pages - the notes are very succinct. I completed the topic in Semester 2, 2016, receiving a HD on the topic using these notes. Topics include: - Indefeasibility - Boundaries to Land - Leases - Easements - Restrictive Covenants - Mortgages - Native Title
Semester 2, 2016
44 pages
24,000 words
Flinders, Bedford Park
Member since
December 2012