LAWS1091 Business Associations - High Distinction Quality Exam Notes
Subject notes for UNSW LAWS1091
These are the perfect Business Associations notes! I have summarised and simplified the entirety of the course content, including all case law, legislation, and equitable doctrines. The notes include all relevant materials from the textbook, Moodle materials, and class notes. The notes are colour-coded (pink = legislation; green = case law; blue = exam phrases/scaffolds to use) and are very easy to navigate. This is the first time I have used this structure and I will be doing it for all my future notes - it sets everything out very clearly and easily for exam conditions. These are the only notes you will need in BA.
Semester 1, 2017
62 pages
25,240 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
May 2009
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