
These notes contain a full summary of the material covered in lectures, tutorials, and key readings from PSY2PRM. Notes were taken during every online lecture and tutorial, and were used as my primary study tool for the exam. These notes include the following topics: - Statistical inference - Correlations - Simple Regression and Goodness of Fit - Multiple Regression - Statistical Regression - Hierarchical Regression - Categorical Predictors - Principles of Research Design - Experimental research designs - One way between-subjects ANOVA - Post-hoc pairwise comparison of means - Post-hoc setwise comparison of means - Planned comparison of means - Two way between-subjects ANOVA - Within Subjects Designs - Analysis of Covariance Hope they help you as much as they helped me!


Semester 1, 2017

35 pages

5,905 words



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LaTrobe, Melbourne (Bundoora)

Member since

February 2016

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