
Complete Monash University MGF2351 notes including relevant information for the entire course. A combination of notes from the text book, lecture slides and relevant readings. Week 1 - The international business environment - difference in political economy Week 2 - The international business environment - legal systems, economic development and transition economies Week 3 - Differences in culture Week 4 - Theories of international trade and investment Week 5 - The regulatory framework Week 6 - Foreign Direct Investment Week 7 - Cooperation among nations Week 8 - Foreign exchange and the international monetary system Week 9 - The strategy of international business Week 10 - Entry strategies for internationalising Week 11 - Globalisation and international business Week 12 - no new content


Semester 2, 2017

84 pages

19,958 words



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Monash, Caulfield

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February 2015

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