
This is a comprehensive compilation of information from MAST20009 lectures, the textbook, tutorials, practicals, workshops, problem booklets and other useful sources I found online to aid my study. Each section (particularly the harder concepts) is supported by easy to read and understand dot points, diagrams, pictures and thorough example exam-style questions. Includes all summarised formulae required to know for each topic. Topics included are: 1. Classic probability model (Bayes' Theorem, conditional probability, relative frequency) 2. Discrete distributions (pmf, binomial, negative binomial, hypergeometric, geometric, poisson, uniform, mgf's) 3. Continuous distributions (definitions, pdf, cdf, exponential, gamma, chi-square, uniform and beta distributions) 4. Multivariate distributions (marginal and joint pdf/pmf, multivariate transformations, independent random variables) 5. Normal distribution (summary of normal distribution, mgf, approximations of discrete distributions using normal, limiting mgf functions).


Semester 1, 2018

41 pages

9,085 words



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