
The notes were compiled from the lecture slides and the textbook. I've also included some examples, for concepts that are difficult to understand. It contains all topics (Week 1 - Week 12), making it perfect for finals. Topics: 1 Review of Topics in Regression; Analysis Categorical regressors 2 Discrete Dependent variables: The Probit and Logit 3 Limited Dependent Variables: Censored and Truncated Estimation 4 Limited Dependent Variables: Inference and testing 5 Instrumental Variable Estimation: Omitted Variables/Two Stage Least Squares 6 Instrumental Variable Estimation: Testing for Endogeneity /Overidentification 7 Instrumental Variable Estimation: Errors in Variables Problem 8 Simultaneous Equations 9 Time Series: Distributed lag models/Spurious regression I 10 Time Series: Distributed lag models/Spurious regression II 11 Time Series: Distributed lag models/Spurious regression III 12 Time Series: Cointegration and Error Correction Models


Semester 1, 2018

26 pages

17,441 words



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