HIGH CREDIT - Chinese Economy and Business SUCCINCT NOTES
Subject notes for USYD IBUS2020
Comprehensive notes based on the material from all 13 weeks of online/face-to-face lectures and tutorials. Very clear, concise and has all lecturer commentary included. Has annotated graphs and tables. Diagrams and key concepts are included for all topics. These notes helped me do well and so would highly recommend them!! TOPICS INCLUDED: Chinese economy introduction, socialist era, economic transitions, Population, labour markets and human capital, The rural economy, Reforming and restructuring the corporate sector, Fiscal, Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies, financial system, Technology Policy and the Knowledge-based Economy, Entrepreneurship in the Australian and Chinese context, Theoretical Frameworks for emerging multinational enterprise’s (EMNE) Internationalization
Semester 1, 2018
16 pages
6,945 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
April 2017