
Topics included = week 1: Getting Research started - review of hypothesis testing, T-tests Week 2: Review of hypothesis testing, T-tests Week 3: Controlling extraneous variance (single factor between and within groups designs) Week 4: ANOVA: Between-groups design, multiple comparison procedures (Planned and post-hoc comparisons) Week 5: ANOVA: Between-groups design, multiple comparison procedures (Planned and Post-hoc comparisons) Week 6/7: ANOVA: within-groups design, multiple comparison procedures (Planned and Post-hoc comparisons) Week 8: Intro to Qualitative Research: Theoretical frameworks Week 9: Rigour: Ethics Week 10: Sampling Week 11: Interviews and Focus Groups Notes are a summary of 7 comprehensive modules provided by the lecturer, lecture notes and information within the textbook "Essential Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences"


Semester 1, 2018

24 pages

8,482 words



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