
These notes are a comprehensive summary of ECON101 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook readings. I received an HD in this unit with a mark of 91, so these are notes are very high quality. They simplify complicated ideas, while explaining them succinctly. They will be beneficial to any student undertaking this unit, as this unit is generally considered to be quite difficult. Topic list: Topic 1 - Scarcity and Choice Topic 2 - Demand and Supply Topic 3 - Elasticity Topic 4 - Economic Efficiency, Government Price Setting & Taxes Topic 5 - Technology, Production & Costs Topic 6 - Perfect Competition Topic 7 - Monopoly Topic 8 - Monopolistic Competition Topic 9 - Market Failure Topic 10 - International Trade


Trimester 1, 2018

70 pages

25,271 words



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UNE, Armidale

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April 2017