
In the download file is the future of business BIBLE. The notes follow the UoS outline for Sydney Uni, and clearly extract the principles in an easy to read way. The notes are extremely well formatted and structured to facilitate quick and easy learning of the cases and materials for a closed book exam. HIGHLIGHT ON HEURISTIC FRAMEWORKS Contained in the lecture notes are: Lecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: Role of Business in Society Lecture 3: Internal Analysis Lecture 4: External Analysis Lecture 5: Strategy Lecture 6: Information, Communication and Technology Lecture 7: Sustainability Lecture 8: Evolving Workplace Lecture 9: Urbanisation Lecture 10: Emerging and Growing Markets Lecture 11: Design Thinking Lecture 12: Entrepreneurship ----------------- About the author - Received a Distinction (79) for BUSS1000 - LLB/B.Comm (Finance)


Semester 1, 2018

80 pages

12,114 words



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