Comprehensive High Distinction Notes for Spanish Beginner Grammar
Subject notes for USYD SPAN1621
44 pages of fully typed SPAN1621 notes. Covers ALL grammar topics covered in class. Includes extra information from a variety of sources + useful diagrams and illustrations that make memorization a lot easier These notes helped me score 85 (High Distinction) for SPAN1621! Topics covered: - ser vs. estar - hay - estar vs. hay - subject pronouns - gender: masculine or feminine noun - definite vs. indefinite articles - possessives - para vs. por - por qué, porque, por que, porqué - gustar - regular verbs - present tense - irregular verb - reflexive verb - imperfect tense - preterite (indefinido) - imperfect tense - common phrases - interrogative pronouns - connector and vocabulary - list of confused words - date, number, climate, greeting
Semester 1, 2018
44 pages
7,298 words
USYD, Camperdown/Darlington
Member since
March 2017