Corporate Law Final Exam Summary - Guaranteed H1 (Complete details of all topics covered in final exam)
Subject notes for UniMelb BLAW20001
All the topics covered in the final exams are inside this summary notes. The notes are per topics, so its not a per week notes but it is a summarized information of the topics. All the details inside this summary is of a complete guide-through on how to answer the exams. The topics covered are: - Director Duties, covering all the duty of directors, all the defences avaiable, and all the consequences for breaching it. - Related party transaction, covering financial benefits, exemptions, consequences, public company,etc. - Variation of class rights, discussing the difference of expropriation of shares and deemed variation of class rights. - Members meeting and how to change the constitution, covering who can call a members meeting, how can the meeting be called, amount of notice needed, procedural irregularities, substantial injustice etc. - Enforceability of contract, covering authorities, agents, outsider's assumption, etc - Capital maintenance, covering dividends payment restrictions, financial assistance, self-acquisition, share buy-back and reduction of capital(selective reduction) - Members' remedies, covering oppresion remedy, winding up of company, statutory injunction, derivative actions
Semester 1, 2018
15 pages
5,895 words