
- All Psychological Assessment notes from lectures prior to Midsession Exam. Topic List: • Week 1: History of psychological testing, Ethical issues to do with psychological assessment. • Week 1: Guest Lecturer (Audio Lecture) - Organisational Psychology (please note that the only Guest Lecturer notes included are the Org Psych ones, as this was the lecture I chose to write about in the exam SAQs - Guest Lecturer notes from Week 5 and 6 are not included) • Week 2: General Issues: Theoretical and practical issues to do with the choice of a psychometric test (Carroll’s Three Stratum Model). Applied issue: Intelligence testing and theoretical underpinnings of IQ tests • Week 3: General issue: Using theoretical models to guide our administration, scoring and interpretation practices. Applied issue: Using the WAIS-IV • Week 4: General issues: The Science of test interpretation and how to communicate your findings with your client - Includes 3 FREE Practice Essay Questions AND Answers to cover (1) Week 1, (2) Weeks 2/3 and (3) Week 4 material, incase the exam question is focused on one of those particular weeks I scored FULL marks in this exam based on these notes and practice essays. Check out my notes for the Final Exam too (based on Ethics)


Semester 2, 2017

41 pages

10,000 words


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Macq., North Ryde

Member since

March 2014