
By using these MLL342 notes, I achieved a score of 72 in the exam! These concise, thorough and complete notes for MLL342 include complete summary of: prescribed textbook; case summaries; relevant legislation. Covering all topics in the unit, these materials could essentially be used as a replacement to the prescribed textbook, while being more concise, easy to read, and less time consuming. These MLL342 notes will be a fantastic supplement to your studies, and a vital resource come exam time. These are a complete summary of the MLL342 lectures, textbook, cases, legislation and topic guides. A COMPLETE SET OF MLL342 NOTES. TOPICS COVERED: TOPIC 1: INTRODUCING WORKPLACE LAW TOPIC 2: DEFINING THE EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP TOPIC 3: RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN AN EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT TOPIC 4: EMPLOYMENT REGULATION UNDER FW ACT: OVERVIEW TOPIC 5: STATUTORY EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS TOPIC 6: FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION AND INDUSTRIAL ACTION TOPIC 7: DISCRIMINATION AND SEXUAL HARASSMENT TOPIC 8: WORKPLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY TOPIC 9: TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT


Semester 2, 2016

54 pages

45,900 words



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Deakin, Melbourne Burwood

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July 2014